fix the top 5 most common student issues in a few simple steps

#1 posture

How to set up good body posture:

  1. stand up, stretch crown of head to the ceiling

  2. keep feet shoulder width apart

  3. relax shoulders and arms

  4. only use biceps to lift the horn

  5. sit down – stay on "sit" bone

Is your sound weak? Are you unable to get a full breath? Do you have back, arm, shoulder pain?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these, you may need better posture!


#2 mouthpiece placement

How to set up good mouthpiece placement:

  1. 2/3 upper lip: 1/3 lower lip

  2. anchor on the lower lip and rest on upper lip

  3. avoid pressure on upper lip – how?? build muscle

  4. mouthpiece must adjust to teeth/braces/size of lips

  5. fuller lips generally work better with larger diameter mouthpieces

  6. Braces will require adjustments (range will likely be confined to the lower register which can be advantageous to the student)

Are high notes way too hard? Do low notes seem out of reach? Does your mouthpiece slide off the bottom lip? Is your free buzz or mouthpiece buzz non-existent?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these, you may need to reevaluate your mouthpiece placement!

#3 right hand placement

How to set up good right hand position:

  1. left hand fits on valve paddles

  2. thumb in ring/on trigger

  3. pinky in pinky hook, or free if possible

  4. invest in Velcro hand grip


  6. There are permanent options, but they are expensive and, well, permanent…(leather grips/tennis tape)

  7. right hand cups water/pageant wave

Is your sound really muffled? Is your pitch always flat or always really sharp? Do you have a lot of trouble with stopped horn? Does your right arm /shoulder ache or feel unrelaxed?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these, you may need to change your right hand position!


#4 buzzing and the embouchure

How to perfect the buzz:

(don't forget to make sure your mouthpiece placement in correct)

1. Wet Lip (mouthpieces will stick to dry lip)

2. Say ”Mmmmm..”

3. add a ”Puuu” like you’re going to say “Put”

4. Spit a Seed, then try and sustain the buzz

5. Look for a diamond shape around the aperture where the buzz occurs, like this <o>

Are you someone who has never been able to free buzz?

If this is you, you're not alone. If you don't think it's possible to have a strong and pure free buzz, you are someone who may need my help!

If you answered 'yes' to any of these, you may need to reevaluate your mouthpiece placement!

#5 not enough air

How to help with more air:

1. think about how air is used-

-what are 2 occasions where you are not thinking about the ‘HOW’ of breathing?


cardio breathing (during or after exercise)

2. imagine how a balloon is filled

3. try some things like laying flat on the floor to feel relaxed breathing, then do some jumping jacks to feel your body moving air naturally.

4. hold out your hand in front of your face (or piece of paper) with horn embouchure and aperture to feel stream of cold air


6. all breathing exercises should be with a general

horn embouchure and horn aperture

Are you someone who struggles to play a simple phrase? Is your sound weak and unsupported? Do you struggle playing loud notes?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these, you may need help expanding and understanding good use of air!